About 20 years ago I decided that I couldn't put up with the endless time taken to remove the hairs on my legs. I had tried shaving, waxing, depilatory creams and bleaching - all with limited success. The trouble is when you have very dark hair - as mine once was :) - it shows and can make you feel very self conscious. So my solution was to have laser treatment. All those years ago it wasn't so commonplace and finding a clinic providing this was difficult. I went to a place now called Sk:n in London. I had many treatments as individual hair grows at different rates and zapping them all takes time. I started out with a "ruby" laser which targeted individual hairs that is one at a time - you can imagine how long this took! This laser was replaced by an "alexandrite" which covered a small area at a time. Both were very effective. I was told that they work best on dark hair as the energy is absorbed better. It was so worthwhile - it was like being free…..
Modern lasers are now available like UPL - ultrashort pulse laser which emits ultrashort pulses of light.
You can also buy home lasers now which are quite powerful - like the one by Tria - above. I bought this one as even all these years later stray hairs still appear…….really useful for underarms, lip and dare I say chin!
My husband also uses it to thin out his "5 o clock shadow" which annoys him! So not only for women! Men need grooming too!
Have you noticed how some men neglect their eyebrows?? Tweezers and scissors can work wonders on eyebrows which have grown to be unruly with age - doesn't take long and takes years off them!
As you get older hair does change and hairiness varies but it is important to continue grooming and being concerned about your appearance - you look better and younger!