Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Obesity in Later Life......

Its New Year Resolution time and for many a diet plan will be included in the list! Hopefully the good intentions will not fall by the wayside.

We are all fighting the ageing process. For many,  they pass through the journey relatively unscathed healthwise others are less fortunate.
Doesn't it make sense to do everything we can not to contribute to our downfall?
Evidence shows excess weight can do to our bodies in terms of mobility, pressure on joints, circulation and conditions such as diabetes.........and yet people who should know better continue to eat for the sake of eating.

  • Women aged 65+: 32% are of normal BMI, 32% ‘overweight’, and 34% ‘obese’. For men this age: only 16% are within normal BMI, 54% are overweight, and 31% obese 

The vast number of seriously obese passengers on our cruise ship last Sept was really disturbing. This wasn't about people enjoying their holiday and indulging themselves, it was more about feeding a habit. I have mentioned before a typical scenario of individuals piling their plates with pasta, chips and a bread rolls. It's something we would not have believed had we not seen with our own eyes. They then ask for help carrying their trays as their mobility is impaired. They wheeze and gasp with the effort of walking short distances. Whatever the underlying causes for this self destruction it really does have to be addressed. With an ageing population we need to stop ignoring the obesity problem and to be honest about how serious this is........and spell out the consequences of prolonging this kind of behaviour.

Help is provided in our already in our overstretched NHS. Families and friends can also do their bit by eating healthier together and providing a support group. Maybe join a slimming club if you can't find willing family and friends?

Portion control, the right healthier choices and not buying items which play to your weaknesses is a start.

Action not words! 

2015 saw friends losing 2/3/4 stones in weight - they feel better, some of their weight induced ailments have gone away and they look younger and have a new lease of life!!

With many of us living longer we all would like to feel we also have vitality and health to go along with our longevity! So what are you waiting for? :)

Monday, 28 December 2015

Healthier Options!

Having Christmas out of the way ...well sort of .....the TV is carrying loads of ads on holidays and of course dieting.

I noticed new people at the gym yesterday.  It is always the way as majority fall by the wayside but at least a small proportion do follow through,  changing habits for better healthier ones.

Along the line of healthier habits......

we visited relatives yesterday and we talked about the recent "gadgets" we had bought and if any of them were any good. The one I came up with which is linked to the dieting game is the Actifry.

I can truly say that we really enjoy this appliance as you can indulge yourselves on favourites without having excessive fat.  Chips particularly are unbelievable - chop potatoes into chips, add 1/2 tbs oil close the lid switch forget about them after programming for about 50 mins. Result crispy low calorie chips!

Salmon steaks  (no added oil) cook in about 15 mins and are cooked to perfection and you don't get the mess.  The innards all go in dishwasher.

We bought ours from Amazon but it can be bought from most department stores....and its sale time!!

This Christmas I used it as an extra aid as oven was fully utilised.....parsnips best we have ever had!!

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Assessing the Damage!

This morning I went to the gym - first trip after bout of illness and of course Christmas... this amounts to about 10days abstention which for me is a long time.

After consulting the scales yesterday I find I have gained 3 lbs...the world suddenly looks very bleak and needs immediate attention to restore equilibrium.

I may sound paranoid but I see weight gain a little like compound interest ..ignore the first bout and then the rest builds on it until out of control.

So equipped with my trusty fitbit conscience I did my first 1 hour workout....not as bad as I thought it would be and now I feel ready to get back to my routine.

My children bought the fitbit for my birthday last year and this year for my birthday they bought the weight scales which sync with the fitbit.  I am delighted with both of these and my kids knew I would be ....but they said most people wouldn't be so happy with a present like this :)
Sad parent syndrome ....
not my weight :)

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Christmas Waist!

Well Christmas lunch is over and you start to wonder what was that all about? All that preparation and the event is over so quickly. We had a lovely enjoyable Christmas gathering with good humoured family and friends. We all managed to be comfortably full without being parsimonious.  I am more and more convinced that people are starting to be more sensible about food and have more normal sized portions of food.  Nothing worse than that awful bloated feeling when indulging to excess.  Nevertheless there is still a day of reckoning now! Despite being sensible we have all taken in more calories than we normally do and this will have impact on our waists. Delicious crispy roast potatoes soaking in goose fat are too good to be missed and why not enjoy on this special occasion - the problem occurs when you enjoy so much it becomes the norm.  

It is lovely to get the family together and to catch up on the year.  Catering for 11 is always a challenge and its almost like a Project Management task...fortunately everything worked liked clockwork but my back and legs really ached with the kitchen prep.  A labour of love!

Fascinating to see the younger generation and to hear of their plans and successes. We had a particularly fascinating insight into the innocence of children with my grand daughter who was not only  looking forward to Father Christmas and toys but also the added bonus of the tooth fairy!! We had an interesting discussion as to whether Father Christmas could bring the money for the tooth and save the fairy having to make the journey :)

My husband said the Union wouldn't allow it ...put a man out of a job! ....or a woman ...  :)

Friday, 18 December 2015

Love love love cooking Christmas lunch!!

This year in the run up to Christmas ... has been that I have had the most persistent cold and cough which has left me feeling so drained. I know it is doing the rounds but this is no consolation and it annoys me that it has prevented me from doing so many extra things I wanted to do...

Having ranted I still have done most of my prep for Christmas.  I love getting my children together and cooking for them. I know this will not go on forever and so it is even more important for me to make the most of every year.
Christmas lunch is just a glorified extension of the normal Sunday lunch...if you don't cook or don't want to ...I can understand why this occasion may not be so enjoyable.

There are always more attendees ... this year I have a dozen for lunch which is about the norm for us. I prepare well in advance ...the things I can do ahead I do and freeze and organise logistics in an almost project management  mentality. It works!! Reduce Stress levels!!
If you convince yourself its going to be a problem then it is going to be a problem, depends on your personality profile ...what you can do and what presents an overwhelming challenge.
There is nothing better for a mum  to feel they are still providing for  and nurturing their brood and long may it last.  I love to see the delight on the faces of all when one dish after another emerges and even more gratifying that my hard working children enjoy a period of respite when mum takes over... it is like turning back the clock and I realise I am so lucky.

This week I heard a little anecdote about  a family who are not materially blessed but disputed who would cook Christmas lunch ...
Large number of family members  decided to have lunch at  a local hotel.... and are paying £112 per head!!!... I don't know about you but there is no way even if I had that kind of money would I indulge to this extent!  I did ask if this included accommodation and drinks...the answer no!!!  Are people mad?

This is a lovely time , a time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life and a chance to still be the  lynchpin of your family which hopefully they will fondly remember when you are long gone...

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Nearly Christmas!!!

There is something about Christmas which brings out your inner child ....well maybe its just me.  This year we added another set of lights on our tree and I am absolutely delighted - best ever!

I have always had just white lights and neutral type decorations - this time I thought I would have a change and have something more colourful and here is the result!

Cant wait for my grandchildren to see it!!