Closer to home you are never sure when something will come out of the blue and dramatically affect your way of life and your priorities. Our nearest and dearest sometimes have to fight battles they would never have imagined.
My friend Nilum discovered she had breast cancer about 18 months ago. She is thankful that she has come through her round of chemotherapy and is optimistic about the future. Part of her treatment involved a kind of therapy where she attended a centre which provided activities designed to promote well being - these included art classes, reflexology, counselling and so on.
As way of thank you she organised a fund raising lunch last Saturday and from this was able to give a donation of over £400! It was a really fun occasion where people shared their experiences and compared notes. What became clear is that we all have a responsibility whatever our ages to take care of ourselves and to be vigilant in maintaining our health as much as we can.

Lots of good works are conducted everyday by dedicated people - if you want to get involved in fund raising for something which may already be personal to you - you will find more information on this website
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