Friday, 31 October 2014


Can you remember when Halloween became such a big deal? As a youngster a small group of us would do "trick or treat" with immediate neighbours and we would receive a sweet or two .
Now we seem to have imported the US's fascination with this occasion.

The supermarkets are full of outfits....dresses, hats , masks, brooms, face has become a complete industry in itself.  Most of these items can be used to good effect at the school disco.....which has become a big social event on the calendar.

There is part of me that is against yet another bit of commercialisation but somehow I have become reconciled to it when I see the impact on my 2 little grandchildren. They love dressing up and the glitter and the whole fun of it.

The only time it can turn into something which is a little more menacing is when much older children turn up on your doorstep - this can be intimidating and quite frightening particularly for much older people - even though there is probably no ill intent.  I remember my mother being quite distressed at the thought of being subjected to the constant knocking on the front door or the bell being pressed incessantly.

I also remember a few years ago we were tired of answering the door and decided enough was enough only to find the following morning that our car had been covered with flour and water and we never fully removed the glooky mess from around the windows.

It is forecasted to be good weather tonight.....which should bring out more revellers so we are going out for a meal............humbug!!

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