Monday 8 April 2013

The Iron Lady

Whatever your political persuasion you can't help but respect Margaret Thatcher our first woman Prime Minister.  She overcame many difficulties to achieve this accolade including the class system at the time and also the fact that she was a woman.

As a young woman I remember very clearly hearing of her election. The women I worked with were so excited at the thought that a woman had made it this far.  It gave us all a feeling that you could achieve anything if  you want to - even a grocer's daughter!

There are many tributes being made from so many people - some even unlikely ones who talk about her values, her conviction and her leadership.  She transformed the nation in a way that no-one would ever have thought could be achieved. She displayed a strength of character which we rarely see.  She even overcame the Brighton bombing and continued to stare in the face of adversity.

She was a "woman of substance"

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