Sunday 12 January 2014

Cellulite Advice…...

Just been reading my latest "Good Housekeeping" Magazine which I find provides a wealth of information and advice for women. Page 89 of February 2014 edition has Dr Sarah Jarvis providing advice and support to many of the illnesses and peculiarities which affect all age groups. In her column she answer a question of a lady who is not overweight and has always been plagued by cellulite. Its worth a read and to heed advice…. regular exercise, keeping weight to appropriate levels, avoiding crash diets and too much alcohol is the best solution.

I have certainly found that regular exercise ideally an hour a day - for me cross trainer and squats deliver.  As you may have read from my previous posts…..I suddenly found I had a real problem and took myself in hand.  My exercise is part of my lifestyle now and my cellulite has disappeared apart from one small knot the size of a penny on the back of left thigh which isn't bad is it? I realised that there is no quick fix…………sadly………………...


  1. I'm glad your regimen worked for you. I've always been slim, exercised at least 3 times a week, ate right (have never had fast food), etc. But have had cellulite since my late twenties. :( Unfortunately, my knees will no longer allow me to do squats. I'm going to have to look for something else!

  2. unfortunately Lynette it is a never ending battle - does seem unfair when you are doing all the right things!
