Sunday 5 January 2014

Jude Law as Henry V

Yesterday we went to see Henry V at the Noel Coward Theatre. This proved to be a most enjoyable experience with a superb performance from Jude Law as Henry and indeed the rest of the cast too.

Not really a fan of Jude Law but was pleasantly surprised. I must confess I was slightly curious to see the man who is so talked about in the gossip columns. He is a pleasant looking man but am still left  a little confused as to his considerable appeal on the romantic front.

On his acting ability however there is no question that he is indeed very accomplished and talented. He provided a convincing Henry demonstrating passion, leadership and valour.  The complexities of war were played out on a quite plain set which was surprisingly versatile in depicting the difference locations.

The play required considerable concentration and my husband and I both felt exhausted at the end but in a good way. It showed we were engaged and involved and we felt the this Shakespearian play had been brought to life.

It would be so valuable for school children to see Shakespeare in this way, the way it was meant to be portrayed - I am sure they would be engaged and develop an appreciation of the subject and see its relevance in today's world.

Would really recommend you see it if you get a chance!

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